Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In the begining, Jake's brother dies, he was a really important cientific. Jake and all a group of

soldiers go to Pandora. Jake's live is more difficult than the other ones becouse he can not walk,

his always in a "chair".

Pandora is a strange place, there's a lot of nature in there and criatures making all kind of things.

But there's a problem, they wanna kill all of this creatures just becouse they don't know them.

The camara work is different than the other

movies, becouse you feel like you are inside

Pandora. In my opinion the camara it's like a


The soundtrack it's important becouse there's a

lot of different sounds in the movie and sounds

that they are not familiar for us.

The actors are great but you can't expect something worse in a big movie. And the avatar's and

Na'vi's loke real!

The actor's performance is incredible in seens like

the big fight were the camra work and the sound

track are realy important too!

The robots and all the flying machines that the

military use are cool like the one that you are

inside the robot and if you move your hand the robot does the same thing that's funny but

unfortunedly they are not constructed to have fun, they wanna kill na'vi's.

It's hard to recomend someone this great movie becouse almost everybody have seen it, but i

think that is open to all public: it dosen't mather if you'r young or old if you like accion movies it's

a good movie, if you like interesting movies is a good movie, if you like romantic movies, go

home... No no, there are parts of love too! What i'm trying to say is that the movie it can be

interesting for a lot of reasons !

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