Tuesday, February 26, 2008

happy basket ending!!!!

they were in class when the teacher said: - The final exam will be on the 11th of September.- It was the most important exam that Morgan would have to take in his life, because it was the last university exam (where it depending on your score, you can enter one career or another). After class he had have to go to the baseball stadium to train (he was an excellent baseball player and his team was facing the final league playoffs.) At the end of the training the coach started to talk about the final game: - First of all I have to congratulate all of you because you've made it to the final playoffds and that's not so easy, and the final will be two games one at the morning and the other at the afternoon on the 11tn of September. - All the players of the team started smiling and laughingbecause he had both the exam and the game on the same day. He called the coach over and they talked, the coach was a little angry but he understood. Morgan was very angry with himself because he would have to choose between his dream and his future. He decided his future was most important. Finally the final day arrived. As he was going to the university and when, he was in the class he just couldn't get his mind off the game. Then the principal announced that the final exam would be another day because the teacher wasn´t there. Morgan ran as fast as he could to the stadium and when he got there, the game was almost ready to start. He asked, except Morgan

- Can I play? .- everybody smiled and laughed, and the coach said,

- We were waiting for you!! - Finally they lost the first game and they won the second but they won considering they scored the most runs. But that's not the best thing, the best thing is that Morgan and his friends had a fabulous day!!!


English-on-Wheels said...

NIL what's up..the title says "basketball" but the story's about baseball? Really a dificult situation, choosing between school and sports. Especially if you really love a sport like you do. That in itself is a great gift. Let's hope you will also be able to "have your cake and eat it too!!"

Kokys* said...

I think that this history has a 7,5 mark is better than mine, I liked it so much but writing is not that easy.